Listen to an interview broadcasted by the main italian christian radios where I tell a little bit about my story and my music ministry!

My name is Giacomo, I am an Italian songwriter and worship leader. Here is something about myself.

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I approached music ever since I was a child, at first classical music, thanks to my parents passion; later I cultivated the passion for rock music, mainly Christian. The leitmotiv of all my music experiences has always been the deep desire to mix my faith and love for God with my passion for music. After some experiences with different groups, I joined the Ixius as lead guitarist. This has taken me to Finland for a tour in August 2009.

Motivated by personal experiences, in 2005 I started writing songs almost for fun. In time I refined this need writing more professional songs, looking for modernity and freshness of style in my Christian texts. As soon as I completed my studies in economics/marketing, I went to Canada to attend CWSW, a Christian school for worship leaders. This experience has helped me a lot to grow both from the musical and the personal point of view.
I studied with internationally renowned Christian artists as Brian Doerksen, Norm Strauss, Lothar Kosse, Andy Parks, David Ruis and played with musicians from all over the world.

I won the Wipstaf Web Adwards 2008 competition for the best unpublished song with “The only One”, one of my first songs.

Back to Italy, together with my best friend Carlo, I started up the Out of Sound project, an acoustic duo, with the aim to use music to worship God and testify the Lord Jesus.

In October 2009, after a Master in musical communication for discography and media which helped me to grow in my knowledge of the musical industry world and to meet very prominent personalities of the Italian music, I started to work for EMI Music Italy.

During my musical growth I have played in many European countries like Switzerland, Germany, England and Spain and also in extra-european countries, playing several times in Canada and once in New Jersey.

At the end of 2009, as a result of the cooperation with Norm Strauss, an internationally renowned artist and producer, I realized one great dream of mine starting a solo project and recording some of my songs, giving so life to my first album “God Who Speaks”. For more information on the album, its history and its meaning, go to the music session.

Since 2010 (release of my album) my christian music activity became more and moren wide both in my church where I’m a worship leader and the music & art youth pastor and also out of it with concerts, conferences, house concerts, special events in Italy and in Europe.
During my music journey I’ve collaborate with many Italian artists as Albino Montisci, Lidia Genta and Sara Taccardi and I’e shared the stage with Giuseppe De Chirico, Luca Durante, Corrando Salmè, Elia Santangelo, Franco Milone e Norm Strauss.

I’m part of the Italian worship leader network “Quelli Che Cerca”

In the day of my album’s release I’ve got to know Debora who in 2011 starts to play with me as pianist and back-vocal. Our collaboration grown and brought us to share the vision and the passion for music. On September 15th (2012) Debora and Giacomo got married and they are continuing to share life, faith and music projects.

My band got more and more united and strong giving birth to Sound Alive project (soon more info in “My Band” page). Daniele Guidi (Bass Guitar), Debora Vaccaro (Piano and Back-Vocal), Alessandro Corbetta (Drums)

Between 2013 and 2014 I collaborate on the new album of Marlos Abreck and Norm Strauss.

Many new projects have to come… We will keep you updated